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Hit The Streets

I find it a passion to hit the streets with real people in real time, find someone that looks distressed and see if I can be a help. I’m usually pretty forward and just say hi. Then take it from there, like any relationship.

The purpose of this is, there are a lot of places in the city of Grand Rapids to find people that need help. Here’s a short list:

1. The streets around Mel Trotter Ministries.
2. The streets around Degage Ministries.
3. Bridge Street Meijer corner.
4. Grey Hound Bus stop.
5. Veterans Park.
6. Grand Rapids Public Library.
7. Fish Ladder.
8. Rosa Park Circle.

There are just a few of the safer places to offer help to someone. Help could just be prayer, a compliment, etc.

All of these places are within my work area, I see the homeless broken every day, everywhere. Some don’t want to be approached and they will tell you so respectfully. Others, common sense says to stay back. I work around all of these places every day, I see them, I do what I can when I can. I do it for God, the soul, and myself. It’s a blessing to be where I am.

I mention this in case there is someone looking but not sure where to start. These areas are all open to the public 24/7. When I ask those I encounter, I am always told, not many come down to chat one on one, mostly just give food and money.

• Approach with caution.
• Always have a plan.
• Always be prepared for how much help you are willing to give.
• People on the streets do drugs and drink. Get used to it.
• Many on the streets have “prison” style weapons for protection. There’s a reason.
• Any comfort given is a blessing.


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